About Your Host
Who are Sy Ray and Keri Ray?
(Sy’s Version) – Keri and I were both cops when we met. One date in and she fell madly in love with me, couldn’t keep her hands off me and wouldn’t leave me alone. After I threatened a few orders of protection, nearly filed a handful of stalking charges and escaped an abduction attempt, she talked me into taking her out on a second date. I came to my senses in a swanky wine bar, Keri by my side, pouring the wine – I realized she was the woman of my dreams. She was fun to hang out with, she made me laugh, she loved spontaneous adventure, her shoulder massages were to die for, and I couldn’t help falling madly in love with her – after I untied myself and escaped from the trunk of her car.

(Keri’s Version) – Sy wanted me from the moment he laid eyes on me. I did my best to ignore him, but he hung around like a hungry kitten; and because we worked together I couldn’t escape him. Although, after a while, his ongoing presence grew on me – showing up to my calls for service, confident I needed back up, magically appearing at every traffic stop I made with extra pens and a fresh pack of citations, offering to caddy my weights around the gym during workouts – he was cute, and endearing. I was still a green police officer when we met and had a lot to learn about the job. I was surprised to realize Sy wasn’t just a good looking guy, he was intelligent, creative and tenacious; he was good at playing the long game. He would stop at nothing to catch a bad guy and I was learning a lot from him. He was turning into my mentor and my friend. I couldn’t resist loving him.

We both had our fair share of crazy experiences as cops, and enjoyed the time we had together working graveyards. Eventually, Keri went to swing shifts and started specializing in Domestic Violence cases, ultimately laying the foundation to create our agency’s first Domestic Violence unit. Sy went back to 24/7’s using his experience as a Detective and Detective Sergeant to maximize his role on the SWAT Team and specialized in complex investigations, leading to him becoming the foremost subject matter expert on cell phone tracking.

All that time apart was weighing on us, and we wanted nothing more than to be together day and night. That’s when we decided to become entrepreneurs, leave our careers and start a tech and training company that catered to law enforcement. After seven years of pouring our blood, sweat and tears into our crazy plan, we sold it off, jumped ship and decided to become internet influencers!
When we’re not working or making drastic life changing decisions, we like to travel, especially if it involves scuba diving; our earth’s oceans and sea life fascinate us. We also enjoy red wine, as dry as we can possibly get it, and touring every wine vineyard necessary to find the perfect pairing for grill night. We have fun playing golf, but we really suck at it, to the point of cheating as necessary to get back to the clubhouse as quickly as possible for a beer. More than anything, we love being together, failing, succeeding and remembering the unbelievable stories that always seem to follow.